
RiskTree reports show the actual RiskTrees used to generate the risk assessment, via the Risks tab.

The top of the tab will contain a drop-down selector listing all of the RiskTrees. Click on this to change the RiskTree shown in the main part of the tab.

The RiskTree can be moved about by clicking and dragging on the tree. When you hold the mouse down, the cursor will change to the multi-arrow cursor, indicating that it can be dragged. Move your mouse over the risks and countermeasures to view the context menus for these items. Unlike in RiskTree Designer, the trees are not editable and so the menu options are more limited. You can:


The button allows you to customize the look of the RiskTree, rather like using the Settings in RiskTree Designer. The following options are available:

Linking to the RiskTree

In the risk and countermeasure tables, each item will show a blue crosshair icon to the left of the name. Clicking on this will switch to the RiskTree tab, display the appropriate tree, and highlight the chosen node or countermeasure.

Clicking on the crosshairs for another item will clear the first highlight, so only one node is highlighted at a time. To clear the highlight without selecting another node, click on the button.

Printing the RiskTree

The RiskTree tab will not be included in printed reports, as trees are often too wide to print without being truncated. Instead, you can save the complete RiskTree as an image file by clicking on the button. This opens a dialogue box which contains a small copy of the tree ready for download. Click on the button to save the image file to your Downloads folder. The button closes the dialogue box without saving the image.

If nodes or countermeasures are highlighted on the tree, the highlight will not be present in the saved image file.

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