The RiskTree Designer main menu is accessible from the side bar on the left of the display which can be toggled to expand fully or collapse to only display icons.
Starts a brand new project, and clears all existing RiskTree data in the Designer. You will be prompted to save the current project.
Allows you to save the current RiskTree as an image file. Find out more.
Provides four different import options via a tabbed box. The default option is to open a new RiskTree from a file held locally, or from a template. The file has to be in JSON or MMXML format. A checkbox allows you to select whether the new tree is to be added to the current project, or opened as a new project. Other tabs allow a RiskTree fragment to be imported to the clipboard, a tag file to be loaded, or a countermeasure library to be loaded.
Saves the current RiskTree project. All RiskTrees in a project will be saved into the file; if you only want to save the current RiskTree, select this from the Include option. The default filename will be the name of the project, and the standard format is JSON. If you want to transfer RiskTrees to third-party mind-mapping software, select the Mindmap XML format (MMXML). Note that any notes and evidence in the RiskTree will not be included in MMXML files.
Rolls back the last action taken. It is not possible to carry out multiple undo operations.
Clears the selection from all selected nodes.
Removes the current RiskTree from this RiskTree project.
Opens the Settings box, to allow the project to be configured.
Checks the current project for incomplete nodes, and if none are found, sends the numeric data (i.e., nothing identifiable) to the RiskTree web service for the calculation of risks. If this processes successfully a table of risks will appear below the RiskTree.
Find out more about calculating risks.
Takes you to the Processor and creates a report based on your current RiskTree in the Designer
Load your threat files into the Designer. Find out more about applying threats.
Create, view or load tag sets in the Tag manager. Find out more about the Tag Manager.
Resets the node numbers, when nodes have been deleted.